Financial Policy
We are pleased to welcome you to our office. New patients are always appreciated. In order to assist you in making payments for your treatment, we provide the following options. Please read them carefully, and discuss any questions about them with us.

Patient Insurance
So that we may assist you in filing your health insurance forms, please provide us with the information requested. All information is kept confidential.

Patient Medical History
So that we may assist you in filing your medical history forms, please provide us with the information requested. All information is kept confidential.

Privacy Policy
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Whether you are considering general or cosmetic dental work, Dr. Eydelman and her team strive to make your experience positive and enjoyable. The first step towards looking and feeling your best is to schedule your initial consultation. Please contact ICON Dental today at (415) 248-5300 or email us at info@icondentalsf.com.